PetWay Courier
Safe pet Transport
Transport for Puppies

Extra care is needed for puppies.
Comfort and Rest: Create a comfortable and secure space for your pet. Secure crate or carrier to prevent movement. Crate lined with absorbent bedding in case of accidents. Temperature Control: Maintain a comfortable temperature within the travel environment. Avoid leaving pet in a hot car or direct sunlight, as pets are susceptible to heatstroke. Hydration and Nutrition: Offer water and small amounts of food during breaks. However, avoid feeding a large meal before travel to prevent motion sickness. Regular Breaks: Regular breaks for bathroom breaks, exercise, and a chance to stretch their legs, feeding, hydrating, human interaction. Reassurance and Calming Techniques: Talk to your pet soothingly and offer reassurance throughout the journey. Calming products such as pheromone sprays or natural remedies can help reduce anxiety.
Preventing the transmission of pathogens.
All surfices and objects puppy will be in contact are sanitized & cleaned prior every trip and every 24-hours using professional vet products( Rescue). No direct contact with other pets & animals, and any unsanitized surfices. Fresh clean water( purified water).
Providing extra comfort
Keeping kennel clear of any potty accident & clean. Toys, bankets.