PetWay Courier
Safe pet Transport
Travel options
Ground solo private -one pet at a time
Private solo pet transport solution typically will offer less travel time and the most direct route to destination. The mean of trasnport can be a car, SUV or minivan, and in some cases you can request a larger vehicle if you have more than one pet or for larger pets.

Ground affordable shared ride-multi-pet transit
Traveling with just one pet is more expensive, but multiple pets decreases the cost and typically may increase travel time, Be sure you fully understand the limitations, restrictions, and regulations surrounding multi-pet transit.
Before traveling with multiple pets, consider your pets’ personalities. Shared rides are the most popular option, and so it may be a better option for your budget. Your pet will be safely crated, depending on your pet personality or your preferences, ensuring a similar level of privacy, safety, and comfort as a private solo trip.

Air transportation
For longer moves, air transportation is another option.
Keep in mind that certain dogs, like brachiocephalic breeds, may not be able to fly due to potential health complications. Large dogs — usually those over 25 pounds — must fly in the cargo area. Small pets may qualify to travel in the main cabin as “carry-on” luggage.
Another option is to hire an air nanny. Air nannies are professional pet transporters who meet your pet at the airport, care for them while on the plane and deliver them safely to you at the destination airport.